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Black MIDI Guides

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Welcome to Black MIDI Guides. Here you will find guides for a bunch of things people often ask help with in Black MIDI Communities


Are you a complete beginner at Black MIDI, and don't know where to start?

Go to the Starting Section to start your Black MIDI journey and learn what programs do what so you can know what you want to do!


A lot of times in Black MIDI communities, people often ask how to x, how to y, whats the best way to do z, etc. So I've taken the initiative to try to make guides to help newcomers get started on the right foot on their Black MIDI journey. My goal is to provide easy to follow guides for a variety of things, and perhaps even video tutorials to along with them!


As I don't have a lot of experience in blacking, some guides might not be the best way to do things and as such I will try to get information from other more experienced blackers for certain guides. You can also contribute yourself to the guides as all of the documentation is open-source on Github under an MIT License.


You can help contribute by submitting a pull request on the Github repo for this project.

You are free to help out in any possible way you think you can expand, or improve on this project. Things such as creating new guides, elaborating on existing guides, or even just fixing any simple typos or grammatical errors are very welcome! So thank you if you choose to contribute to the project!


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